• Duration

    30 minutes

  • Expert instructors


  • Learners


  • Video

    30 minutes

    Ask Me Anything (AMA)

    Get your questions answered by asking me anything about your digital health product, industry or the medical device regulations.
    Write your awesome label here.
    Write your awesome label here.
    — What's included

    Interactive live framework to ask your most pressing questions directly to our experts.

    Our ask me anything provides you with free expert consulting you need to confidently develop your software medical device.


    Recording of all ask me anything calls.


    Talk freely in a virtual forum of experts and your peers in industry across the globe to learn and share with others.


    Real time expert interactions.

    Shawnnah Monterrey, eMBA

    CEO, BeanStock Ventures


    Awards & Recognition

    Medical Device Clients
    Shawnnah is a domain expert with over 20 years of experience in the software medical industry with specific emphasis on guiding innovative products to market. Shawnnah has a passion for innovation in medical devices, life sciences and biotechnology. As the CEO, she continues to provide thought leadership in guiding the innovation of products and services that benefit the market and healthcare.